How to Stretch Your Monthly Grocery Budget
Allotting a specific budget for your groceries each month help you stay on track of your financial goals. But how do you make sure that your monthly budget for groceries will really work? The following tips may help: 1. Look or grocery stores in Vancouver that offer less expensive goods. Find grocery stores in Vancouver like Famous Foods offering inexpensive goods. That way, you will have more spending power. 2. Consider buying in bulk. If there are things in your home that you use regularly such as flour, sugar, salt and many more, you should consider buying them in bulk. If these items can last for a long time in the pantry, buying them in bulk can save you more money. 3. Only get the amount of ingredients you will use for cooking. Many people spend too much money in buying too many ingredients. This is why you should make a meal plan and identify how much ingredients you really need. 4. Buy them whole instead of prepar...