How to Save Money on Organic Produce

As you probably know, organic food in Vancouver can be quite pricey. However, they do offer a lot of benefits that regular produce can’t so it’s worth the splurge. But if you’re looking to save more money, give the following tips a go when shopping for Organic Food in Vancouver:

1. Know which produce is most notorious for having a lot of pesticides content and buy that organic. 
Berries and apples, for instance, can be loaded with pesticides so it’s a good idea to prioritize them when buying organic produce on a budget.
2. Buy only what you will need for a week. 
Fresh produce do not keep that long in the fridge. They taste better when they are fresh so make sure you just buy enough for a week to avoid unused vegetables that will just rot in your fridge. You can try meal planning and then figure out the portions you need so you can shop for only the ingredients you can use.
3. Got leftovers? Re-use them 
Stems, for instance, can be used to make vegetable stock. Use the stems of broccoli or cauliflower to make a delicious stock that you can still use for your cooking. It also saves you more money in buying canned stock.
You can stretch your budget and also be able to maximize your consumption of fresh produce by considering these tips. With the amount of pesticides being used on fresh produce these days, it’s important to switch some of your kitchen staples to organic ones to avoid contamination and ingesting high levels of pesticides.
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