How to Eat Organic Food at Home and Still Save Money

As much as we like to eat organic food at home all the time, it can be difficult because organic food is costly. But the key to eating more organic food without breaking the bank and even saving some money is by doing the following tips:

1. Grow your own organic food in Vancouver.

If you have some space in your backyard, you can try making raised beds and planting fruits and vegetables. It’s a lot of work but that’s the fun of it. Growing your own food is exciting. You also get to control what kind of stuff you use, so if you prefer not using pesticides, you can go for organic compost instead. You can also grow the food you usually use at home.

2. Buy the dirty dozen.

You don’t have to buy all the produce in organic form. Some fresh produces are cleaner than others, which means they are not as riddled with pesticides. Use your budget to buy produce from the dirty dozen list instead. At the top of the list are strawberries and spinach. Kale, apples and nectarines can also be riddled with pesticides. So are grapes, cherries, peaches, tomatoes, pears, potatoes and celery.

3. Buy organic food in Vancouver in bulk.

Find stores that offer bulk Organic Food in Vancouver or buy more of the organic produce if it is in season. You can try natural preservation processes such as pickling or drying to make your organic produce last longer. You can also freeze them.

Make sure you try these strategies if you want to save money in buying organic food at stores like Famous Foods.

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